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Dropped glass without breakage, yes we have, since the 80s

Bromer is the leader in Free Fall glass, and our first prototype dates back to 1989. In the process, we've achieved a number of things. Free Fall is inexpensive, fast to operate and reliable. Glass layout is crucial in your operations to optimize production. Even with 36 blocks of glass available on the stations, it's possible that you'll run out in 8 hours. This problem was brought to our attention by a customer whose production is based on 3 shifts and continuous production. Glass refill times were penalizing production. We developed a rotating free-fall rack system so that the glass could be accessed from one side for free-fall and from the other for loading onto the rack. Only the time it takes for the rack to rotate - just one minute in the worst case - is the system downtime. If you have optimal production planning, this time is not at all penalizing if you schedule it between operations.

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